NPIP Host Site Frequently Asked Questions
A host site is a nonprofit organization that has been selected by their funder to participate in the Nonprofit Internship Program. If you have been invited to complete a host site application, please refer to this FAQ page.
If you are a nonprofit organization interested in participating in the Nonprofit Internship Program, please reach out to Yara Quezada Miller at
Q: How many weeks must the internship last?
A: The internship should last for eight weeks over the summer. Each host site should communicate any dates in which the organization will be closed at the start of the program to the intern. We understand that things happen but there should be no significant break during the eight week internship. If there are vacation days planned, it is the intern’s responsibility to share that information ahead of time. If there are any emergencies, it will be handled on a case by case basis.
Q: How many hours per week will the intern spend at the host organization?
A: The standard is full-time at 40-hour/week.
Q: What if an organization wants an intern to work longer than eight weeks?
A: It is a program expectation that the internship lasts eight consecutive weeks. Any additional time worked must be compensated at the rate of $18 an hour and is the responsibility of the host organization.
Q: How will the stipend be paid?
A: Funders will pay the stipend to the host organization in a lump sum in the form of a grant. It is the host organization's responsibility to pay the intern.
Q: Can organizations host more than one intern?
A: This will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to your respective funder to inquire about hosting more than one intern.
Q: What kinds of projects/work can the intern do?
A: This depends on the nonprofit and its needs. Our interns have done research, direct service, translation, content creation, and everything in between! Ideally, the project(s) should help the student grow professionally while adding capacity for the organization.
Q: Can an NPIP intern be considered a replacement or temporary staff member for a host organization?
A: No. The purpose of the internship is to provide an educational opportunity for students and allow them to positively contribute to your organization. They should not be considered as either replacement or temporary staff for your organization.
Q: Will NCNG choose the interns?
A: No. All eligible intern applications will be sent to host sites. Students will be able to rank their top 3 organizations and host sites will have the opportunity to interview those students and pick their top candidate. Once the host site extends the offer and the student accepts, the match is complete.
Q: Will NCNG offer any training or support for the interns?
A: NCNG will host opening and closing sessions to provide professional development, networking opportunities, and a space for reflection.
Q: Does the internship have to occur during the summer?
A: Yes. This internship program is exclusively for the summer and to be completed between the spring and fall academic semesters.
Q: Are host organizations responsible for computers and other equipment?
A: Host organizations should be prepared to provide interns with whatever they may need to be successful at the organization (telephone, desk, etc.). Some students have their own computers, if one is necessary. This should be discussed as part of the interview and matching process.
Q: If a host organization has more than one location, do they need to submit multiple applications?
A: No. Host organizations only need to submit one application and indicate their multiple locations (regions) on the application. Applicants should include the physical location where the intern would report. All internships must be based in North Carolina.