NCNG events are typically open only to members of NCNG. If you represent a foundation or corporate giving program that is not a member of NCNG, but would like to attend an event, please contact us to discuss your eligibility. If you are affiliated with an NCNG member, please sign in to register or contact Kiara Moore to get set up with a profile. Once you've logged in, scroll down to access the registration page. We accept Visa and Mastercard online or you may choose to pay by check. Event fees may be refunded for cancelled registrations if requested at least 15 days before an event.
NCNG is establishing a new learning community to bring members together who care about, are interested in, or are currently supporting LGBTQ+ communities. We recognize that supporting LGBTQ+ communities in North Carolina intersects with many funding priorities including healthcare and education, democracy and civic participation, as well as inclusion and equity efforts. All NCNG members are welcome to join regardless of your organizational role. These meetings will facilitate discussions on various strategies, priorities, and partnerships in supporting LGBTQ+ communities, and address questions or concerns from the group. Everyone is welcome.
This meeting will occur virtually via Zoom. You can sign up for the following dates or the dates that fit your shedule. Register for the event here.
9/26/2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtually via Zoom. Register for the event here!
Megan Bostic