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Davie Community Foundation Finance Officer

The Davie Community Foundation is a trusted leader in the Davie County community and the go to place for philanthropy for those who wish to make a long-term investment in their community. The position provides an opportunity to learn about the organization and work collaboratively with outside partners to benefit the community we serve.

Job description:

The Finance Officer is considered full-time staff and will be responsible for the financial and accounting matters of the Foundation. He/She will maintain accurate accounting records according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as well as the quality standards for upholding best practices of Community Foundations. The Finance Officer will Implement the fiscal policies of the organization and provide professional recommendations to the President for necessary revisions and investment management oversight.

Successful candidates will possess a bachelor’s degree in accounting or equivalent combination of education and experience in Business Administration, Accounting, or other related fields, preferred CMA or CPA but not required. Demonstrate successful experience in fund accounting; 5 years’ experience as Financial Officer with successful nonprofit organization preferred. Experience and knowledge of financial systems along with the ability to develop solutions linked with teams of Staff, Committees, and the Board. Demonstrate knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles for nonprofit organizations (AICPA) and understanding of tax and other state and federal laws pertinent to nonprofit organizations.

The successful candidate will also possess a strong knowledge of computer systems, including accounting database, Windows, and MS Office products. Strong interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work cooperatively with colleagues, supervisors, volunteers, grantees, donors, and constituents. Ability to handle confidential information such as personnel, payroll, contributions, and other related correspondence. Ability to organize work to meet deadlines, work and think independently, and work with a team.

Visit to learn more about the Davie Community Foundation. Interested Candidates may submit their resume and letter of interest via email: Deadline for application is Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Mocksville, NC
$80,000 - $85,000

Current Openings

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John Rex Endowment|Non-Profit|Raleigh, North Carolina|Apr 05, 2024
Religious Community Services|Internship|New Bern, North Carolina|Mar 25, 2024
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Displaying results 1-10 (of 24)
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